Let us pray for you!
We would be happy to pray for your request. Use the button below to tell us about your needs. You can choose to remain anonymous, or you can provide your email address so members can contact you and provide encouragement.
Dan & Charlotte Braithwaite
Linda Corley
Mark and Jody Painter
Baymeadows Baptist Church is equipped with a Prayer Partners team, which is tasked with the responsibility of meeting the prayer needs of our church, its members, and the community.
Every prayer is assigned to a prayer partner who is required to give particular attention to your request, but the entire team does indeed pray over every one of them. Additionally, our church has multiple outlets for prayer, including congregational prayer, which gets the most people faithfully praying over your request. This is what we refer to as public prayer in the request section of this page.
In some cases, you may rather your prayer is kept private and only accessible by the core prayer team. This is what we refer to as private prayer in the request section.
In some extreme cases, you may wish that your prayer be kept confidential between our director and one prayer partner. In this case, the entire team will pray over your need, but will not know your name, and will only know of the category of your request. This is what we refer to as confidential prayer in the request section.
In every case, our team wishes to pray with you personally (when allowable) and follow up with you, so we can know when to move your request from the prayer wall - to the praise wall. Therefore we ask for just enough information to be able to follow up with you. Please rest assured that every prayer team member has signed a confidentiality pledge, stating that they will only use your prayer request for the purpose of praying, and will not discuss your request with anyone not specifically authorized by you, or according to the restrictions as agreed to by your use of this prayer ministry tool.